Knitted Brows
Knitted Brow
Furrows, brows, knitted eyebrows
He sits with a cigar , mulling over a situation,
Tightly knitting his eye brows.
Given a little thought.
Focussed, concerned , for an outcome.
Knitted balls of thread,
Back and forth moved the spool.
A shawl woven , a garden of flowers strewn.
A woman weaving silk,
stares down ,
aiming for perfection.
Knitting her brows.
To bridge a squabble,
A brother and a sister,
Adult siblings , complex lives.
A little understanding, a little compassion;
Unknot the discord ,
To reconcile
Knit the cord.
Two grand old cities,
Spectators ponder,
Architectural wonder.
Remnants of glory,
remains as testimony
Knitted together in frozen grandeur.
A pea in a pod
A string of pearls , a sweater;
Blankets , scarves
Love notes
of promises kept forever.
Knitted in bashful words
Of days to spend together.
Friendship ties,
Of golden days that rolled by.
Sentiments knitted down memory lane.
Wistful, wishful ,
Every little memento ,
Remains tied , never to die.
The last blush of sunlight,
The first glimpse of the night.
A few tender words post dinner,
A glass of glistening red wine ,
Knitted the balmy warm night.
How beautiful it would be ,
If we could bring millions of words,
Give them shape , color and form.
From different countries across the World,
Learn their meaning , hear their sounds ;
And in that space of blending Worlds,
Shall be , We
Knitted together, Us , all humanity!
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