Let's Not Talk about The Weather

Let's Not Talk about The Weather

Not in a cubicle, outside of a box.
Not in our fortitude, break open the walls.
No monosyllables, let it be a dialogue.
Narrate, weave, relive;
the richness in vocabulary,
Let it speak. 
Words should tumble from your tongue,
not captured in pages, archives and glum.

Bring in an element of passion,
Reflect, remember ;
Sometime, somewhere you had been.
Something, somebody you had loved.
That unstoppable laughter, that high of being able to love another.
Let it matter, recall, remember.

A big crowd, don’t shudder.
Make yourself at home wherever you are.
You will find one, then another and yet another.
In a little while you will feel you matter.
You will bond with each other.
Just leave alone the weather.

Where do our roots come from,
That leave undeniable imprints in our souls.
Where do our music come from,
That pulsates through our veins so strong;
Igniting a new purpose, a breakthrough, a new dawn.

The cutting board waits,
Fresh salad for the bowl.
The woodcutter chops,
Lights a fire, fuel for food.
The surgeon cuts to heal ;
The umbilical cord of the mother,
To release, 
that human voice, that essence, that need.

I hear raindrops on the rooftops;
I hear echoes ringing from the mountain tops;
I feel a gust of wind unapologetic,
rush by.
I have many reasons then,
Weather can become my anchor for conversation;
But I deny.

To break open from the shell, I try.
To connect, to listen, to delight ;
With another, then another, and yet another.
Rich by a memory,
Smile by a deed;
Retell, relive.

The World is a resource pool,
We it’s inhabitants rule.
Delve deeper, live richer;
Embrace and be enriched by each other.
Let’s just not talk about the weather.


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